by Kate Knowler | Client Case Studies, Food Intolerances, Tips & Advice
I was working with a client recently, and her face dropped when her test results showed she would need to go gluten-free. “But it’s so expensive to go gluten-free!” she cried. And indeed, it can work out expensive. Visit any supermarket and you’ll find a section...
by Kate Knowler | Client Case Studies, Tips & Advice
Yesterday morning, on my way into clinic, I witnessed a young lady in her mid-20’s being knocked off her feet by a cyclist. The cyclist hadn’t jumped a traffic light, nor was he cycling on the pavement. The lady, presumably on her way into work, was...
by Kate Knowler | Children, Client Case Studies, Tips & Advice
Happy new year everyone! For the first time in 6 years, I stayed up last night to see in 2016 with my partner. Our children went to bed at 10pm (3 hours past their bedtime) so it seemed reasonable to assume they would sleep in this morning, and we could get away with...
by Kate Knowler | Client Case Studies, Tips & Advice
This post is dedicated to my parents, who reminded me this weekend of my dislike of vegetables as a teenager. I know you guys are reading this 🙂 Now, it wasn’t so much that I disliked vegetables as a teenager – it was more that I disliked the vegetables from my...