by Kate Knowler | Food Intolerances, Tips & Advice
Sugar. It’s so sweet, so delicious and so addictive. But… research is showing that it’s also damaging our bodies and we should be eating less of it. But is that even possible? Sugar is highly likely to be responsible for the increase in people being diagnosed with...
by Kate Knowler | Food Intolerances, Tips & Advice
Many of us experience food intolerances (non-allergic food hypersensitivity) that result in difficulty digesting a particular type of food. This isn’t the same as an allergy, which triggers the immune system and can have serious consequences. Food intolerances aren’t...
by Kate Knowler | Press Coverage, Tips & Advice
When was the last time you felt full of energy? Perhaps not the kind of energy that children seem to have from dawn to dusk, but the kind that sees you through the day without needing to press the snooze button on your alarm clock in the morning, or the kind that...
by The London Nutritionist | Press Coverage, Tips & Advice
Everyone knows that a night out on an empty stomach usually equals a one-way ticket to vomit town. There are the standard tricks to help ease a hangover: glass of milk before drinking alcohol, don’t follow wine with beer, toast and two pints of water before bed, blah...
by Kate Knowler | Client Case Studies, Tips & Advice
Yesterday morning, on my way into clinic, I witnessed a young lady in her mid-20’s being knocked off her feet by a cyclist. The cyclist hadn’t jumped a traffic light, nor was he cycling on the pavement. The lady, presumably on her way into work, was...
by Kate Knowler | Children, Client Case Studies, Tips & Advice
Happy new year everyone! For the first time in 6 years, I stayed up last night to see in 2016 with my partner. Our children went to bed at 10pm (3 hours past their bedtime) so it seemed reasonable to assume they would sleep in this morning, and we could get away with...